Community Survey

Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society (CVIMS) is conducting research on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Nanaimo and the resources and services available for newcomers. Nanaimo’s population is predicted to increase by 18,906 individuals in the next five years, including a 16% increase in the visible minority population. On average the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) has increased in population by 3,200 individuals each of the last five years, 13% of whom are newcomers to Canada.


The purpose of this survey is to formulate a detailed understanding of EDI in the City of Nanaimo, focusing on the services and resources available for newcomers. Mapping its already existent strengths and highlighting areas of improvement will enable CVIMS to develop new initiatives and fill gaps in services and resources to ensure that newcomers to Canada experience an equitable and inclusive community. 


The insights gained from this research, which is funded by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and ResilienceBC, will better inform CVIMS, the City of Nanaimo, and IRCC on the current state of resources and services for newcomers. It will provide recommendations for the incorporation of strategies that enhance and respect the EDI of all residents and the improvement of resources for newcomers, as well as provide CVIMS with approaches to support EDI in the community and in its programming.  


As a resident to Nanaimo your input is essential. We are looking for representatives who can speak to their perceptions on immigration, the availability of local services and resources for newcomers, and whether Nanaimo is a welcoming community.  

This survey is intended for residents of Nanaimo who have been here for more than five years. This includes Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or foreign nationals but excludes temporary residents, international students and people who are just visiting. If you fall outside the above-described categories, see the Newcomer Survey for newer and/or temporary residents, or the Service Provider Survey for those individuals who offer resources for newcomers in Nanaimo.


This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. All responses from this survey will remain strictly confidential and findings from this survey will only be reported in aggregate form. 

Completing the survey is voluntary and you can skip questions if you are not comfortable answering. You do not have to provide your name or any contact information to fill out this survey. However, to thank you for completing the survey, you can choose to enter your email address into a draw for a prize. If you choose to provide this information, your email address will only be used for the draw, and will not be connected to your survey responses.

Thank you in advance for your participation. Surveys must be submitted by November 29, 2024. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Jansait Qughondouqa ( – 250-753-6911 ext. 108) or Sarah Haynes ( – 250-753-6911 ext. 153). 

For the purposes of this survey newcomer is defined as anyone born outside of Canada and living in Nanaimo for less than five years.

Section A: Demographics

How long have you lived in Nanaimo?
What is your age range?
How would you best describe your gender?
Which of the following best describes you?
Which ethnic or racial group(s) best describes you? Please select all that apply, particularly if you self-identify as being of mixed or multiple racial groups.
What’s the highest level of education you have completed?
What is your employment status?
If you are a member of a faith community, please share which one:
Why have you chosen to stay in this community?

Section B: Awareness of Immigration Issues

In 2023, 471,771 permanent immigrants made Canada their home, which was within the target range of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The federal government increased its immigration targets and plans to welcome about 500,000 new immigrants each year for 2025 and 2026.

What do you think about the current immigration targets?
Rate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
“Multiculturalism (all cultures are promoted and accepted) is working well in Nanaimo.”
“Immigration has a positive impact on our city?”
In your opinion, how has immigration positively impacted Nanaimo? Please select all that apply:
In your opinion, how has immigration negatively impacted Nanaimo? Please select all that apply:

Section C: Sense of Belonging

Rate your level of agreement with the following statement: “Our community does enough to support immigrants and refugees.”
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
“Our community does enough to support immigrants and refugees.”
What are some ways that Nanaimo makes new immigrants feel welcome in the community? Please select all that apply.
In your opinion, what do you think are the biggest challenges faced by new immigrant residents in Nanaimo?
How important is it for Nanaimo to make more of an effort to be welcoming to new immigrants?
What further efforts should be made to welcome and include immigrants? Please select all that apply.
In your opinion, do you have any social relationships with immigrants in Nanaimo?
If you have social relationships with immigrants in Nanaimo, where are you forming those relationships?
In the last 5 years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in the community?
Where have you experienced discrimination? Please select all that apply.
If you have experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others, what are the reasons?
Who would you be the most likely to report the discrimination to?
Please rate your agreement with the following statement. "In my experience Nanaimo is welcoming to newcomers."
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Question 1

CVIMS thanks you for your participation!

Draw Entry: Please enter your email address to be entered into a draw. Your email address will not be linked to your individual responses.