Newcomer Survey


Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society (CVIMS) is conducting research on the resources and services available for newcomers.


It will provide recommendations to improve resources for newcomers, as well as provide CVIMS with approaches to support EDI in the community and in its programming.


As a recent newcomer to Nanaimo your input is essential. This survey is specifically geared towards individuals who are new to Nanaimo within the last five years.


This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Your participation will not affect the services you receive from CVIMS.

Completing the survey is voluntary and you can skip questions if you are not comfortable answering. You do not have to provide your name or any contact information to fill out this survey. However, to thank you for completing the survey, you can choose to enter your name and email address into a draw for a prize. If you choose to provide this information, your name and email will only be used for the draw Please complete the survey by November 29, 2024.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Jansait Qughondouqa ( – 250-753-6911 ext. 108) or Sarah Haynes ( – 250-753-6911 ext. 153).

Click here for additional information.

For the purposes of this survey newcomer is defined as anyone born outside of Canada and living in Nanaimo for less than five years.

Section A: Demographic Questions

How long have you lived in Nanaimo?

Please complete the Community Survey not this survey.

What is your age range?
How would you best describe your gender?
What is your current immigration status?
Which ethnic or racial group(s) best describes you? Please select all that apply, particularly if you self-identify as being of mixed or multiple racial groups.
What’s the highest level of education you have completed?
What is your employment status?

Section B: Settlement Services

Have you received settlement services (services that help you settle)?
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
It was easy to find settlement services in Nanaimo.
The services I received were useful.
Staff were culturally sensitive.
Staff were friendly and promptly replied when I contacted them.
Qualified professionals work at the settlement agency (have appropriate knowledge and experience).
How do you prefer to receive information from settlement organizations? Please select all that apply.
Why didn’t you use settlement services? Please choose all that apply.

Section C: Community Services

Nanaimo has many different community organizations and agencies who provide services to residents. We’re interested in knowing the kinds of services you used, how you found about them and how satisfied you are with the services you received.

Which of the following community services have you accessed? Select all that apply.
What were your sources of information about community services? Select all that apply.
What are the reasons for not using community services? Select all that apply.

We would now like to ask you about using other community services in Nanaimo, such as recreational, cultural, not-for-profit, and community-based programming. These agencies and organizations provide programs, information and guidance to all residents of Nanaimo at no or low cost. Examples of some of these organizations are: Boys & Girls Club, Loaves & Fishes, City recreational facilities, Poverty Advocacy Nanaimo, Vancouver Island Regional Library, Literacy Central Vancouver Island.

Have you used these types of community services in Nanaimo? Please select the best answer.
If you tried to use these types of community services but were unsuccessful, why was that? Please select all that apply.
How did you hear about these programs or organizations? Please select all that apply.
Please rate your level of agreement regarding the services provided or resources used.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
It was easy to find community services in Nanaimo.
The services I received from community organizations were useful.
Staff were culturally appropriate.
Staff were friendly and promptly replied when I contacted them.

Community and Sense of Belonging

In the last 5 years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in the community?
If you have experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others, what are the reasons?
Where have you experienced discrimination? Please select all that apply.
Who would you be the most likely to report the discrimination to?
What are the biggest challenges you and your family have experienced in the last year in Nanaimo? Select all that apply.
What changes would help newcomers reach their full potential in Nanaimo? Select all that apply.
How long did it take for you to feel at home and a sense of belonging in Nanaimo?
Please rate your agreement with the following statement. "In my experience Nanaimo is welcoming to newcomers."
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Question 1

CVIMS thanks you for your participation!

Draw Entry: Please enter your email address to be entered into a draw. Your email address will not be linked to your individual responses.