Safe At Work
CVIMS 101-319 Selby Street, Nanaimo, BC, Canada, CanadaCome join this information session to learn more about WORKPLACE SAFETY! Do you know what your rights and responsibilities are? Do you know how to be safe at work? Do...
Come join this information session to learn more about WORKPLACE SAFETY! Do you know what your rights and responsibilities are? Do you know how to be safe at work? Do...
Our employment workshop series is back for another time! Are you looking to start a new career? Need help with the application process? Have never written a resume ? Join...
Our employment workshop series is back for another time! Are you looking to start a new career? Need help with the application process? Have never written a cover letter? Join...
Do you know what an information interview is? Come join us to find out! Informational interviews are not job interviews, but they can help you advance your career, make useful...
Our Employment Workshops series is back again! Looking for a new employment opportunity? Need some help navigating the Canadian job market? Whether you are just starting to try to find...
Elevate Your Career! Are you a newcomer to Canada? Is your English level intermediate? Are you comfortable using a computer? Are you ready to take your career to new heights?...
Join us for an informative session on an often overlooked element for professional success - soft skills. In today's competitive job market, employers value this skill set along with any...
Join us for an information session that will cover essential information on how to keep your job! Designed to help you navigate the Canadian workplace environment. This session will cover...
Join our information session that will cover essential topics crucial for professional success! Improve your communication skills in the workplace. Learn about: Employers' expectations - what employers look for in...
Are you looking to start a new career? Need help with the application process? Have never written a resume ? Join our Resume employment workshop and learn all you need...
Are you ready to start your professional career in Canada? Are you looking to develop the skills and strategies needed to land your dream job? Join our two-part employment workshop...
Are you ready to start your professional career in Canada? Are you looking to develop the skills and strategies needed to land your dream job? Join our two-part employment workshop...